Tag : SHA Board of Commissioners
Jennie Lane residents get a helping hand from a good neighbor
Forty residents at Springfield Housing Authority’s Jennie Lane Apartments got welcome gifts...
Farewell to Kathy Hardy
Friends and fellow Springfield Housing Authority employees gathered recently to bid farewell to...
Q & A with SHA Executive Director Denise Jordan
Meet our new executive director, Denise Jordan, who answers a few questions about herself and her...
Springfield Housing Authority Board of Commissioners reorganization
Thomas Labonte has been elected chairman of the Springfield Housing Authority Board of...
Veteran reflects on her service during World War II
Seventy-two years have passed since Margery Durand joined the U.S. Army, and the memory is as clear...
Jennie Lane residents learn to manage health issues
At age 91, Alice Schultz is chasing down cancer, and has trouble walking. She had to stop playing...
Springfield Housing Authority Board of Commissioners elects new chairman
Long-time Springfield Housing Authority Board of Commissioner Willie Thomas has been elected...
SHA friends gather for breakfast and networking
A hearty breakfast of eggs, bacon, home fries and more greeted some 75 friends of the Springfield...
Double duty: SHA commissioner and SHA resident
Jessica Quiñonez is one member of the SHA Board of Commissioners with a unique perspective –...
Governor’s pick to SHA Board reappointed
Willie J. Thomas, the sole governor’s appointee to the Springfield Housing Authority Board of...