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Our Residents

Jennie Lane residents get a helping hand from a good neighbor

Jennie Lane residents get a helping hand from a good neighbor

Forty residents at Springfield Housing Authority’s Jennie Lane Apartments got welcome gifts recently from good neighbors just down the street.

Pastor Anthony D. Robeson Sr. and several members of Fresh Anointing Ministries Church of God in Christ paid a visit to Jennie Lane, bringing with them 41 colorful shopping bags filled with essential items such as paper towels, toilet paper, hand sanitizer and other cleaning supplies.

SHA staff and members of the Fresh Anointing Ministries Church of God in Christ ready to deliver bags of supplies to residents at Jennie Lane Apartments.

SHA Executive Director Denise Jordan, Board of Commissioners Assistant Secretary Jessica Quinonez and several staff members were on hand to thank the pastor and church members, and to help distribute the bags to elderly residents at the apartment complex on St. James Avenue.

“We’re very grateful for this,” said Quinonez, who is a resident at Jennie Lane in addition to her work as a commissioner at SHA. “We haven’t been together in a while due to COVID-19 and social distancing, so people were happy for a chance to get together and see each other.”

Jordan added, “We welcome our neighbors from Fresh Anointing Ministries and we thank them for their kindness and generosity.”

Pastor Robeson said he and the church community have a faith based on giving and helping. Being just down the street from Jennie Lane – the church is located at 961 St. James Avenue – this mission was a perfect fit.

Church Missionary Linda Hillman hands Jennie Lane resident Janet Levierge a bag filled with supplies.

“Our whole mission is to care for others, and to make sure people know they are cared for,” Pastor Robeson explained. “These are turbulent times that are very trying for so many of us. We want to be a blessing to you, and to do something that shows we care.”

The operation began at the Community Room, where a handful of residents gathered, wearing masks and keeping safe distances. Bags were shared with those in attendance, with the remainder delivered to the residents identified as elderly and in need.

Residents were generous with their thanks, and grateful for the chance to show their appreciation in person.

“This is just wonderful,” said Lisette Rio, a longtime resident at Jennie Lane. “I’m very very happy and very very grateful for all of this. These are things we can use.”

Wearing masks and social distancing, residents at Jennie Lane Apartments gather for gift bags from the nearby church.

Resident Janet Lavierge noted that in addition to the useful household items, she was given a bag with a design she loves.

“Every little bit is helpful,” Lavierge noted. “And as you can see, I got a (New England) Patriots bag to hold them.”

SHA Property Manager Sandra West was on hand, with a crew of staff members, to help greet the church members as well as to distribute the remainder of the bags.

“We’re so thankful for this offering and we wish all good things for the church members,” West said. “We’re giving them to some of our elderly residents who we know really need the help.”

Pastor Robeson invited all residents at Jennie Lane to the nearby church, once COVID restrictions are eased and people can safely be together indoors.

“We hope to be seeing you more often. You are always welcome,” he said.

1331 days ago / Our Residents
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