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SHA Staff

Springfield Housing Authority Appoints Hardy as Human Resources Manager and Promotes Serrazina to Executive Department Manager

Springfield, MA (February 24, 2010) – The Springfield Housing Authority (SHA) has announced the appointment of Kathy Hardy as human resources manager and promotion of Isabel Serrazina to executive department manager.

Springfield Housing Authority Appoints Hardy As Human Resources Manager And Promotes Serrazina To Executive Department ManagerMs. Hardy is responsible for recruitment, employee benefits administration, workers compensation, and employee relations. She will also serve as a resource to the SHA management on human resource issues. A resident of Easthampton, Ms. Hardy possesses over 20 years of human resource experience. Prior to joining the SHA, she served as Manager of Compensation at Cooley Dickinson Hospital in Northampton, Massachusetts. Ms. Hardy is a Certified Professional in Human Resources (PHR) and is affiliated with Worldatwork, the professional association for compensation, benefits and total rewards.

Springfield Housing Authority Appoints Hardy As Human Resources Manager And Promotes Serrazina To Executive Department ManagerMs. Serrazina is responsible for keeping records, and assisting in the coordination and application of grant funds. She will also act as a liaison to the public for executive staff members. A resident of Springfield, Ms. Serrazina possesses over 17 years of experience at the SHA. Prior to being named Executive Department Manager, she served as Administrative Assistant, Accounts Payable Clerk, and Assistant Director of Admissions. Ms. Serrazina is a Certified Public Housing Manager through the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials.

5185 days ago / SHA Staff
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