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Our Residents

SHA partners with city, REB, to bring jobs, training to residents

SHA partners with city, REB, to bring jobs, training to residents

Working together, the city, a local employment agency, the Springfield Housing Authority have forged a strong to connect low-income city residents with training and job opportunities.

The tri-agency cooperative effort comes courtesy of a three-year U.S. Housing and Urban Development Grant secured by the Springfield Office of Housing.

As a result, the SHA and the Regional Employment Board of Hampden County are working closely with Lidya Rivera, newly hired Section 3 program the Regional Employment Board of Hampden County, to boost work and job training opportunities for those who live in public housing or who participate in rental assistance programs.

Lidya Rivera, Section 3 program manager for the city of Springfield, is working with SHA officials on jobs and training for residents.

Lidya Rivera, Section 3 program manager for the city of Springfield, is working with SHA officials on jobs and training for residents.

“We believe this coordinated effort will result in raising awareness among our residents that training and jobs may be available that meet their needs,” explained SHA Deputy Executive Director Michelle Booth.

“Working together with the city and REB, we believe we are poised to make a deeper impact on our ongoing efforts,” she added.

Rivera agreed.

“We’re hoping to get more opportunities out there to residents, and to get the knowledge out to them,” said Rivera. “A lot of residents aren’t aware that there are work and training opportunities out there for them.”

The concerted effort helps keep SHA and the city in check with HUD’s Section 3 program.

Under Section 3, organizations that receive federal funding, including contractors and subcontractors, must make ongoing efforts to provide job training, employment, and contracting opportunities for low- and very low-income residents. SHA makes such efforts, and is committed to increase the training and hiring with help from Rivera and her team.

SHA Executive Director William H. Abrashkin said the program is a priority for the agency, but progress can be difficult.

“Due to the circumstances of their lives, including lack of education and job training, many public housing residents, and low income people in the community in general, have a very difficult time accessing employment and contracting opportunities that the SHA makes available,” Abrashkin explained.

“Section 3 is designed to help overcome these obstacles and open opportunity for economic advancement.  This is central to what housing authorities are all about, making the SHA an enthusiastic supporter of the Section 3 program,” he said.

Training and jobs are important for a healthy economy.

Training and jobs are important for a healthy economy.

As a start, Rivera is compiling a database of SHA residents who would qualify under Section 3 guidelines. She will also establish a database of SHA employees who qualify under the program.

From there, Rivera will work with the agency to determine what types of training programs are needed to match residents with skills that are needed in jobs that are found both in SHA and among SHA contractors.

 There will also be an intense education piece that will let residents know that training and jobs are available. Job fairs and informational sessions will be planned to keep that process going.

As part of SHA’s efforts, Booth, Deputy Executive Director Wallace Kisiel, Rental Assistance Office Director Joseph D’Ascoli and Resident Services Director Pamela Wells, are working with Rivera. Each said they look forward to the results.

“A lot of times residents aren’t aware that there are programs out there for them,” Booth said. “This should open up the doors to a lot of good partnerships between us, our contractors, community partners and our residents who are looking for good economic opportunities.”



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