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Our Residents

Take me out to the ball game!

Take me out to the ball game!

For a group of sports-minded residents at Saab Court, it’s time to play ball.

And with boxes of balls, bats and gloves donated by the office of Hampden County Sheriff Michael J. Ashe, they’re all set to play baseball, save for a few practice sessions. But that will be easily accomplished.

John Brown, an aide to Ashe, recently visited the housing development for elderly and handicapped residents loaded with boxes of equipment to donate to the group. The gifts came with the help of City Councilor Zaida Luna and Saab Court resident Sandra Rodriguez.

“We heard they wanted to play baseball, and we wanted to help make that possible,” said Brown. “We’re happy to do what we can.”

Saab Court resident Marino Ruiz tries out a bat.

Saab Court resident Marino Ruiz tries out a bat.

Residents, many of them in their senior years, waited for Brown’s arrival on a long bench on Franklin Street at Emily Bill Park – where they hope to play soon. When he arrived, they jumped up, helped unload the trunk, eagerly opened the boxes, removed equipment, swung bats and discussed how they would form their team, the ‘Saab Court Lions.’

“We’re very happy today,” said Saab Court resident Marino Ruiz, who plans to play outfield for the Lions.

“We’re getting our team together now. We’ll be trying to get some games going this summer,” he added.

The gift – 10 dozen baseballs, 25 gloves and 12 bats – from Ashe’s office actually comes from the Cal Ripken Foundation, which has for the past 15 years helped supply baseball equipment for children across the city, most notably the Springfield Boys’ Club. Brown said when Ashe heard Saab Court residents wanted to put together a team, he was happy to help out.

“We think it’s a great thing that seniors want to play baseball,” he said.

John Brown, aide to Hampden County Sheriff Michael J. Ashe, in the foreground, with City Councilor Zaida Luna and Saab Court resident Sandra Rodriguez, along with members of the Saab Court Lions baseball team.

John Brown, aide to Hampden County Sheriff Michael J. Ashe, in the foreground, with City Councilor Zaida Luna and Saab Court resident Sandra Rodriguez, along with members of the Saab Court Lions baseball team.

Saab Court resident Sandra Rodriguez launched the effort recently after residents told her of their baseball dreams. She contacted Luna, who worked with Ashe’s office on the donation. Luna said she will also help coordinate the effort to use the park, and possibly to get lighting for night games.

“We need more activities for the elderly, and when I hear about something like this I know it’s a good thing and I want to help out,” Luna said. “I’m just so glad it all worked out.”

Rodriguez agreed, adding that she looks forward to some lively games.

“I care about my neighbors at Saab Court. They asked me for baseballs, and we managed to get way more than that,” Rodriguez said.

Meanwhile, Ruiz and his buddies need to practice their pitches, swings and base runs, and find a few teams to play. They have their immediate sights set on the nearby Seniority House, where they may find enough players for a competing team.

“We’ve got to get some other teams together so we can have games,” said first baseman Manuel Colon.

Saab Court resident Sandra Rodriguez helps to open boxes of baseball equipment donated by the sheriff's office.

Saab Court resident Sandra Rodriguez helps to open boxes of baseball equipment donated by the sheriff’s office.

SHA Executive Director William H. Abrashkin thanked Ashe’s office for the donation to residents.

“The SHA is delighted to learn that Sheriff Ashe has worked with the Cal Ripken Foundation, Councilor Luna, and our residents to obtain softball equipment for our residents,” Abrashkin said.

“Cal Ripken is one of the all-time greats of baseball and I know that he would love the idea of people of all ages and walks of life getting out and enjoying this healthy activity and great sport. This is characteristic of the sheriff – he sees something he can do to help folks, and before you know it, it’s done,” Abrashkin said.

4031 days ago / Our Residents
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