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Our Residents

A back-to-school celebration at Sullivan Apartments

A back-to-school celebration at Sullivan Apartments

Families gathered outside Sullivan Apartments on a late August afternoon to celebrate a summer well spent, and to look forward to the start of school.

The August 21 celebration was brought to the Springfield Housing Authority development in the Liberty Heights section of the city courtesy of Talk/Read/Succeed!, the collaborative program that unites two dozen agencies in a family-based approach to childhood literacy.

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Young Sullivan Apartments residents enjoy hot dogs and chips at the back-to-school celebration.

At Sullivan, parents, children, and representatives of more than a dozen local agencies enjoyed a sunny day, good company, food and fun times. Children were given backpacks to help them prepare for the upcoming school year.

Organizers Lynne Cimino and Zenaida Burgos, who are T/R/S! outreach coordinators, called the event a success, drawing in 175 people from 51 families.

“We got a great turnout, and everybody’s having a good time,” Burgos said. “The kids have been talking about this for weeks. We were all looking forward to it.”

Participants agreed.

“It’s a great way to relax and enjoy your neighbors at the end of the summer,” said Carla Vaughan, whose three young children have participated in many T/R/S! offerings, including the Hasbro Summer Learning Program and play groups with a focus on early literacy.

“My kids love it. They look forward to everything about T/R/S!” she said.

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Sullivan Apartments resident Carla Vaughan and her children, Davaris, Makaliah and Darrius Washington, are all active participants of Talk/Read/Succeed!

Inside Sullivan’s Community Room, participants could get their teeth cleaned and checked at a professional clinic set up for the event by Commonwealth Mobil Oral Health Services, which is affiliated with Tufts University’s School of Dental Medicine.

Dentist Qui Nguyen and dental assistant Trung Nguyen worked with children and adults on an important aspect of health – caring for the mouth and teeth.

“We bring dental care right to the location, whether it’s a housing development or a school,” said Dr. Nguyen.

Eight-year-old Melquisedec Santiago waited for his teeth cleaning with a smile on his face, explaining his happiness.

“I’m glad school is starting because I love school,” said an exuberant Melquisedec. “I can’t wait!”

Melquisedec will soon to be a third grader at the nearby Boland Elementary School, which is a partner in T/R/S! The program also includes Robinson Gardens Apartments and Dorman Elementary School. At a recent event at Robinson Gardens, 165 people from 50 families turned out to enjoy the day.

Melquisedec Santiago, 8, gets a teeth-cleaning at the Commonwealth Mobile Oral Health Services clinic set up for the day at Sullivan. Standing next to him is dental assistant Trung Nguyen. Seated at the table behind them is Dr. Qui Nguyen.

Melquisedec Santiago, 8, gets a teeth-cleaning at the Commonwealth Mobile Oral Health Services clinic set up for the day at Sullivan. Standing next to him is dental assistant Trung Nguyen. Seated at the table behind them is Dr. Qui Nguyen.

Sullivan’s event included a visit from Boland Principal Lisa Bakowksi, who spoke briefly about the upcoming academic year and fielded questions from parents and children alike.

Among other SHA visitors to Sullivan was Executive Director William H. Abrashkin, who stopped to chat with parents, children and other participants. He said the event was important on many fronts.

“Things like this help to create connections between family and school. It’s a fun, wholesome activity – I see families enjoying a beautiful day with their neighbors. And for SHA, it’s a way to show support for things that encourage parents to focus on education,” Abrashkin said.

Springfield Housing Authority Executive Director William H. Abrashkin at the Sullivan event with resident Carla Vaughan.

Springfield Housing Authority Executive Director William H. Abrashkin at the Sullivan back-to-school event with resident Carla Vaughan.

Other visitors included representatives from the Springfield School Department’s Parent Academy, which recently moved to 91 School St., Holyoke-Chicopee-Springfield Head Start, the local branch of Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, and the Springfield Food Policy Council.

T/R/S! is entering its fourth year, with partners providing counseling, parent education and youth programs to help foster family environments that will boost literacy. The program’s goal is to have all children at both Sullivan and Robinson Gardens at or above reading level by the end of grade three.





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