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Youth Programs

Summer youth jobs bring responsibility, cash

Summer youth jobs bring responsibility, cash

Stacey Sands didn’t waste her time this summer.

The 19-year-old resident of Springfield Housing Authority’s Robinson Gardens Apartments spent her days gainfully employed as a youth counselor in the Hasbro Summer Learning Initiative’s program at Dorman Elementary School.

And Sands not only learned patience and responsibility, she managed to save some cash. The recent graduate of the High School of Science and Technology is headed to Springfield Technical Community College, and will use the money to help pay for her books.

“My job was to make sure the kids were focused, to show them how to behave in school and help them read,” Sands explained. “I liked it a lot. It taught me a lot of things about working, and helping young people.”

Sands was one of 11 teens who found work through a jointly-sponsored effort that included funding from New England Farm Workers Council, and recruitment and oversight by the Springfield Housing Authority. All youth workers came from the youth group at Robinson Gardens Apartments.

SHA Youth Engagement Coordinator Jimmie Mitchell helped in the effort, and said the jobs program included financial education literacy in addition to the $9.50 per hour earned. Each youth worker set up a TD Bank account and was encouraged to make regular deposits.

“What’s great about this is that the housing authority helped to provide these young people with jobs, opportunities to make money,” Mitchell said. “They also learned about the importance of saving what they earn.”

Students were assigned to work at Reed Village, Robinson Gardens, Gentile, Morris Apartments, and at Dorman School. Jobs ranged from clerk and custodial work to youth counseling.

“They made better than minimum wage,” Mitchell said. “And they learned they can really save money. It’s so important for these young kids to learn about money management – many of them don’t get that in school.”

Springfield Housing Authority Youth Engagement Coordinator Jimmie Mitchell stands between summer youth workers Leilani Santiago, 16, and Stacey Sands, 19.

Springfield Housing Authority Youth Engagement Coordinator Jimmie Mitchell stands between summer youth workers Leilani Santiago, 16, and Stacey Sands, 19.

Leilani Santiago said she managed to save every penny she earned, with encouragement from her father.

“He brought me to the bank every week,” said the 16-year-old, laughing.

Santiago is studying early childhood at Roger L. Putnam Vocational Technical Academy, and plans to head to college when she graduates. Her job was in the office at Reed Village Apartments, and she fell into the assignment nicely.

“I loved it,” she said. “I like to be busy. It was serious work. They treated me like a family. I liked everything about it. They didn’t treat me like a teenager.”

Like Sands, Santiago also took some lessons with her that she will bring to future jobs.

“It taught me to be strong. People come in to the office and you can see their struggling. It’s the kind of job where you’re helping people, but you have to be strong,” Santiago said.

Santiago said she’s saving for college, just as her father advised.

Mitchell said he hopes the summer jobs program can be revived next year.

“It was a positive experience all around,” he said. “There’s nothing like employment to keep kids busy and help them get the funds they need to do something with their lives.”

3610 days ago / Youth Programs
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