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Our Residents

Benefactor gives hams, turkeys to families at Robinson Gardens Apartments

Benefactor gives hams, turkeys to families at Robinson Gardens Apartments

The Good Samaritan has struck again at Springfield Housing Authority’s Robinson Gardens Apartments.

As the holiday season nears its peak, a local business man who wants anonymity has donated eight hams and four turkeys to families of teens involved in the Youth Program at the family development in the Pine Point section of the city.

Mothers and teens smiled and cheered as they met to pick up the main course of their holiday meal, and offer thanks to the man that none have met, despite three years of giving on his part.

Robison Gardens resident Maria Torres and SHA Youth Engagement Coordinator Jimmie Mitchell show the ham donated by the anonymous giver known as 'the Good Samaritan.'

Robison Gardens resident Maria Torres and SHA Youth Engagement Coordinator Jimmie Mitchell show the ham donated by the anonymous giver known as ‘the Good Samaritan.’

“This makes a huge difference in my budget, that’s for sure,” said mother of three Maria Torres, who pickup up a nine-pound ham. “Whoever he is, we appreciate him, and not only for this. He’s done a lot for our kids.”

Indeed, the man called ‘the Good Samaritan’ has given school supplies, cash and other holiday school supplies over the past two years. This latest gift is worth $150 along with limitless feelings of good will.

SHA Youth Engagement Coordinator Jimmie Mitchell works with the dozen or so teens every weekday afternoon, urging them to do well in school, guiding them to summer jobs and higher education, and frequently bringing in guest speakers who engage them in a variety of ways. Mitchell’s project for 2015 is for the group to start its own entrepreneurial business.

The Good Samaritan learned of the Youth Group through media reports, is staunchly loyal to its mission and keenly aware of its needs. He seeks neither fame nor glory, quietly giving to help struggling families.

“We’re lucky to have him,” said Mitchell, who acts as liaison between the man’s gifts, and the families receiving them.

“He was inspired to go this because of the good things going on with our Youth Group. He just wants to help,” Mitchell said.

The turkeys and hams were well appreciated on giving day, December 22.

“He is really helping me out,” said mother of three Carla Santiago, who chose to take home turkey. She made plans to serve it on December 25 with stuffing, rice, sweet potato pie and dessert.

“We have a big Christmas dinner. We’ll be home relaxing, and feeling thankful for what we have,” Santiago said. “This is great.”

RG hams & turkeys 006Mother of two Patra Manger opted for a turkey and praised the unknown donor for his largesse.

“He’s fantastic, that’s all I can say,” Manger said. “This helps me out a lot. It’s saved me, basically. Whoever he is, I love him.”

Youth Group President Stacey Sands, who is 19, said she has heard so many good things about the giver, but has yet to meet him.

“I would love to meet him,” she said. “He’s pretty cool.”

Another parent, Shonda Pete, also took home a turkey, sharing a few thoughts on the holiday season that brings out the giving spirit.

“It’s awesome,” said Pete, mother of three. “I am so appreciative. Any little think that can help is great by me. This makes all the difference.”

Sixteen-year-old Youth Club member Yarelis Rivera said her family is happy for the donation.

“It’s good what he’s doing. He’s feeding families. It’s good to help people whenever you can,” she said.

Mitchell and the man known at Robinson Gardens as ‘the Good Samaritan’ made the meat purchases at the 90 Meat Outlet on Avocado Street, where they got a discount from the owner due to the nature of the purchase.

SHA Youth Engagement Coordinator JImmie Mitchell and Robinson Gardents Youth Group President Stacey Sands.

SHA Youth Engagement Coordinator JImmie Mitchell and Robinson Gardents Youth Group President Stacey Sands.


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