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Youth Programs

Development coordinator has focus on youth programs at SHA

Development coordinator has focus on youth programs at SHA

Former educator and long-time youth services professional Susan Staples has joined the SHA as development coordinator.

Staples began working at SHA in early March, with a goal of raising both funds and public awareness for Talk/Read/Succeed! and other SHA youth programs. Already, she has been involved in organizing the third annual Isabel Serrazina Talk/Read/Succeed Golf Tournament, this year set for July 20 (see page 3 for details.)

Staples is part of the Administration, with an office at 60 Congress St.

AIC Development Coordinator Susan Staples.

AIC Development Coordinator Susan Staples.

A well-known advocate and organizer of programs aimed at helping at-risk youth, Staples has worked at agencies including the YMCA of Springfield, the Regional Employment Board of Hampden County, the Westover Job Corps, Rebuilding Together Springfield, and the U.S. Department of Labor, where she served as national deputy director of Women in Community Service.

Earlier in her career, she was a middle school teacher and principal at a public school in Ohio.

At SHA, she has continued her lifelong focus on youth, working to raise funds for youth programs across the city. In that role, she will also be active in helping to promote and support T/R/S!, the collaborative early literacy program at Robinson Gardens and Sullivan Apartments.

Almost two months in, Staples said she already loves the job and feels like a perfect fit.

“I am a mom of three and a grandmother of nine, and ery. committed to early literacy,” she said.

“With my background I think it’s a nice fit. Early education teacher and trainer, what I’m most excited about T/R/S! is its links with the public schools. As a former school principal, seeing the schools being a part of what’s happening with families is so important to the development of children.”

SHA Executive Director William H. Abrashkin said Staples and the new position are already a plus.

“Susan has a long and successful background in nonprofit fundraising that we hope to put to work to support this program,” Abrashkin said.

“Talk/Read/Succeed! is extremely cost-effective when compared to the financial burden placed on the public by poor educational outcomes and lack of employment skills.  But nothing is free, and T/R/S! needs funds to pay the staff who make the program work.  Finding those funds through grants and other activities such as the annual T/R/S! Golf Tournament is Susan’s goal.”


3312 days ago / Youth Programs
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