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Robinson Gardens Youth Group

Thanksgiving gifts at Robinson Gardens

Thanksgiving gifts at Robinson Gardens

A generous donor for the Robinson Gardens Youth Group has struck again – another act of kindness that is making for quite a few happy Thanksgivings.

True to his usual benevolent nature, local businessman Santino Tomassini dropped off 13 hams and four turkeys to the community center at the Springfield Housing Authority family development that has earned a reputation as a place where teens thrive.

For the teens and their families who got a hunk of holiday meat, the gifts were another reason why they love the Youth Group, and very much appreciate Santino’s ongoing kindnesses.

Robinson Gardens Youth Engagement Coordinator Jimmie Mitchell with Yarelis Rivera, 17, and her mother, Maria Rivera Ortiz, and their Thanksgiving turkey.

Robinson Gardens Youth Engagement Coordinator Jimmie Mitchell with Yarelis Rivera, 17, and her mother, Maria Rivera Ortiz, and their Thanksgiving turkey.

“This makes me look forward even more to Thanksgiving Day,” said 17-year-old Yarelis Rivera, who has lived at Robinson Gardens for nine years, and has been active in the Youth Group since its inception four years ago.

“Mr. Tomassini is a great guy for doing this for all the families,” said Rivera, who is studying machine technology at Putnam Vocational Technical Academy. “It really helps out for the people who can’t afford to buy everything for Thanksgiving.”

Her mother, Maria Rivera Ortiz, agreed wholeheartedly.

“The turkeys and the hams are very nice for all the families. He’s a very nice man to do this,” Ortiz said, adding that she appreciates the Youth Group that has kept her daughter actively motivated these past few years.

“She likes it,” she said of her daughter. “She’s happy in the group, and they’re always doing good things.”

Mitchell’s group is in its fifth year, a place where teens meet daily after school, do homework, socialize, and more importantly, meet with speakers who talk about living successful  lives, whether that be in the professional world where higher education is paramount, or in the world of small business, where entrepreneurial spirit and hard work can pay off.

One good example is Santino, a Springfield native who is a retired businessman now working part-time with St. James Check Cashing, whose owner, James Garvey, donated the hams and turkeys. Santino has been helping out Mitchell’s Youth Group for three years now, and he’s not about to stop.

“I do what I can do because I can, and because I enjoy it,” Santino said simply. “I like to give back.”

Racquel Sewell, 16, holds a ham as she stands with Youth Engagement Coordinator Jimmie Mitchell.

Racquel Sewell, 16, holds a ham as she stands with Youth Engagement Coordinator Jimmie Mitchell.

Mitchell said his teens appreciate it, as do their families.

“We’re like a family here,” Mitchell said. “We help each other out when we can, and Thanksgiving is a good time to feel grateful for the things we have, which includes each other.”

Sixteen-year-old Racquel Sewell, a junior at Putnam studying business information management, said her year with the Robinson Gardens Youth Group has been nothing short of fantastic.

“I like it because of Mr. Mitchell,” said the 16-year-old, who likely speaks for the group in that sentiment. “He’s welcoming and he always takes time with us.”

Of the Thanksgiving gifts she added, “Mr. Santino is always so generous. On Thanksgiving, I’m going to eat this ham, watch football, and take a nap.”


3156 days ago / Robinson Gardens Youth Group
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