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SHA Staff

New property manager in SHA’s District A

New property manager in SHA’s District A

Kevin Kleszczysnki has been promoted to property manager in one of Springfield Housing Authority’s five districts.

Kleszczysnki, who has been working at SHA the past six years, is now running Distrct A, which includes 439 units of mostly elderly and handicapped housing in seven developments and several scattered sites in the city.

He was promoted from assistant property manager in District B and began his new duties in late February. He now oversees a staff of eight men and women.

Kleszczysnki is settling in to his new office at Saab Court Apartments, getting to know the district and focusing on measures to enhance efficiency and transparency.

“I like it. I’m adjusting and learning more about the district every day. It’s interesting, and the people here are great,” he said.

Included in that is the fact that District A has mostly state-subsidized units, as opposed to federal, and that they are mostly for elderly and handicapped residents, as opposed to families. District A includes Carpe Diem, Harry Hogan, Forest Park, Indian Orchard Manor, Gentile, Morris School I, Morris School II Apartments, and scattered sites.

Newly promoted SHA Property Manager Kevin Kleszczynski.

Newly promoted SHA Property Manager Kevin Kleszczynski.

SHA Deputy Executive Director Nicole Contois said Kleszczysnki is a perfect fit for the job, gaining experience with the job and the organization as assistant property manager, and also having skills from his prior work as a corporate security manager and police officer.

“His management experience, his experience as a police officer and his performance at the SHA make him a highly qualified property manager from Day One,” Contois said. “We’re happy to have him on the job in District A.”

Kleszczysnki lives in Holyoke and has one son.

3032 days ago / SHA Staff
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