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Our Residents

Seniors Get Fire Safety Lesson at Morris School Apartments

Seniors Get Fire Safety Lesson at Morris School Apartments

Seniors Get Fire Safety Lesson at Morris School Apartments

Fire Department Inspector Pablo Flores smiles as he sets up potholders and other items for Morris residents.

Fire and personal safety took center stage on a recent morning at Springfield Housing Authority’s Robert O. Morris Apartments, where seniors gathered in the Community Room for a lively discussion and demonstration by two Springfield Fire Department inspectors.

Inspector Christian Lewis engaged residents with safety tips and thoughtful tidbits, while Inspector Pablo Flores stacked up fireproof potholders, long sticks to pull hot pans out of the oven, informational pamphlets and more on a nearby table.

Fire and personal safety took center stage on a recent morning at Springfield Housing Authority’s Robert O. Morris Apartments, where seniors gathered in the Community Room for a lively discussion and demonstration by two Springfield Fire Department inspectors.

Fire and personal safety took center stage on a recent morning at Springfield Housing Authority’s Robert O. Morris Apartments, where seniors gathered in the Community Room for a lively discussion and demonstration by two Springfield Fire Department inspectors.

Seniors Get Fire Safety Lesson at Morris School Apartments

Fire Department Inspector Christian Lewis talks to Morris Apartments residents at a July 19 fire safety demonstration in the Community Room.

Fire and personal safety took center stage on a recent morning at Springfield Housing Authority’s Robert O. Morris Apartments, where seniors gathered in the Community Room for a lively discussion and demonstration by two Springfield Fire Department inspectors.

Inspector Christian Lewis engaged residents with safety tips and thoughtful tidbits, while Inspector Pablo Flores stacked up fireproof potholders, long sticks to pull hot pans out of the oven, informational pamphlets and more on a nearby table.

Before discussing safety tips, Lewis first challenged residents to share insights that have helped them along the road of life. While many offered advice like checking stoves before leaving their apartments or knowing the escape route to any building they enter, others shared simple lessons that make for happy and productive lives.

Their shared wisdom included:

  • It’s never too late to start something new.
  • Be kind and helpful.
  • Help your friends out.
  • Take the time to make up your mind.
  • Stay active and involved.
  • Pray daily.
  • Teach others what you know.

Lewis then launched into an animated review of the fire prevention and safety equipment that are installed at Morris. He dashed about the room, picking up the fire extinguisher off its perch on the wall, showing the lighted exit signs that also flash during a fire, and smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.

Seniors Get Fire Safety Lesson at Morris School Apartments

SHA Resident Services Coordinator Candra Cripps greets Morris residents as they arrive in the Community Room for the fire safety session.

“Everybody needs to be safe,” Lewis said. “If there were ever a fire here, people need to know what to do to protect themselves and help others.

Residents said they appreciated the information, as well as the chance to get together with each other.

“Fire safety is a worry for all of us, “said Maria Paredes. “It’s always good to know the things we can do to prevent fires. And it’s good for us to get together just to talk about things and get to know each other.”

Olean Harris, who has lived at Morris for 10 years, agreed.

“A get together is nice. Sometimes you don’t see the people you live near too much. This is a good place to live,” she said.

The event was organized by SHA’s Resident Services Department. Coordinator Candra Cripps said the intent was to ensure that tenants understand the fire safety measures that are in place, as well as to offer some personal tips for safety in their units.

“We try to run events that educate as well as entertain and get them together,” Cripps said.

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