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Our Elderly Residents

Holiday fun at Riverview Apartments

Holiday fun at Riverview Apartments

Riverview Apartments and holiday celebrations seem to be a perfect fit.

The annual end-of-year holiday party, celebrating Christmas, Hannukah, the New Year, the solstice, and all other winter special events, went off without a hitch in the community room at the family and elderly public housing complex in the Brightwood section of the city.

State Rep. Carlos Gonzalez and City Councilor Adam Gomez with friends at the Riverview Apartments.

State Rep. Carlos Gonzalez and City Councilor Adam Gomez with friends at the Riverview Apartments.

Dozens of residents turned out for the luncheon event, featuring delectable dishes from the Puerto Rico Restaurant, tunes by DJ Carlos Gonzalez, and a few dignitaries, including state Rep. Carlos Gonzalez, who co-hosts the party every year, Mayor Domenic Sarno, City Councilor Adam Gomez, and Springfield Housing Authority Executive Director William Abrahskin.

The hall was festively decorated, the food fantastic, and the entertainment, spectacular, prompting many residents to their feet for dancing following the meal.

Riverview Apartments friends and residents celebrate the holidays.

Riverview Apartments friends and residents celebrate the holidays.

Riverview Tenants’ Council President Raquel Sanchez said residents look forward to the holiday party every year, and she and her team look forward to organizing it.

“We love doing this,” Sanchez said. “We do this for the community here at Riverview. It’s a chance for everyone to get together and enjoy each other’s company for the holidays. It’s a favorite for everyone.”

Riverview is known for its active tenant group, hosting weekly Bingo games, and celebrations at Thanksgiving, Christmas, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and even an end-of-summer party for the Youth Program. Sanchez works closely with Secretary Maureen Solomon, and the staff in the District C, which turned out in force to volunteer.

State Rep. Carlos Gonzalez, who co-hosts the event with the Riverview Tenants' Council, delivers lunch with a flourish to elderly residents.

State Rep. Carlos Gonzalez, who co-hosts the event with the Riverview Tenants’ Council, delivers lunch with a flourish to elderly residents.

Gonzalez never comes to the party unprepared, this year bringing a new twist – a DJ, whose name is the same as his, but no relation – and gifts for the grandchildren of every resident who requested it.

“This is my favorite Christmas party, by far,” he told the crowd as he danced to the music.

“I wouldn’t miss this for anything,” Gonzalez added.

Sarno was of the same mind-set.

“I never miss this one, ever,” Sarno said. “This is a place where friends get together and the holidays mean something special to everyone. It’s a time of joy and togetherness, a time to see old friends and meet new friends.”

Lunch is served!

Lunch is served!

Indeed, both Gonzalez and Sarno kept themselves busy, when not dancing, delivering meals to elderly residents sitting at tables. Both made many stops along the way to chat and give holiday greetings.

Abrashkin also greeted the crowd warmly, saying the holiday season seems to bring out the best in everyone.

“This is a time of year when we put aside our troubles and our differences, and come together in a happy way. I hope you all enjoy this magical season,” he said.

State Rep. Carlos Gonzalez and local DJ Carlos Gonzalez, no relation, hold up gifts for the young grandchildren of participating partygoers.

State Rep. Carlos Gonzalez and local DJ Carlos Gonzalez, no relation, hold up gifts for the young grandchildren of participating partygoers.

Riverview Apartments is a blend of elderly/disabled and family units, with a total of 344 apartments in high-rise towers along the banks of the Connecticut River.

2763 days ago / Our Elderly Residents
Site by 816 New York