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Our Residents

SHA Celebrates Community Leader’s 97th Birthday

SHA Celebrates Community Leader’s 97th Birthday

SHA Celebrates Community Leader's 97th BirthdayState Representative Brian M. Ashe visited the Springfield Housing Authority’s Forest Park Manor to celebrate the 97th birthday of Gaetano “Tommy” D’Amato. Ashe praised D’Amato’s many years of dedication to the greater Springfield community and recognized him with a Citation from the Massachusetts House of Representatives for being the eldest member of the Forest Park Manor community.

In the photo (left to right) are: Representative Brian M. Ashe; Tommy D’Amato; Candra Cripps, Resident Services Coordinator for the Springfield Housing Authority; Joanne Caterina, Tommy D’Amato’s daughter; and her husband Tom Caterina.

5042 days ago / Our Residents
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