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Our Residents

Zumba Classes Energize Forest Park Manor

Zumba Classes Energize Forest Park Manor

Zumba Classes Energize Forest Park Manor

Wearing the pink shirt, Springfield Department of Elder Affairs Director of Fitness Peggy Sheldon leads the way to fitness for residents and nearby neighbors at Forest Park Manor.

At 10:30 a.m. sharp on Tuesday mornings, feet-stomping music kicks in the Forest Park Activity Center, and seniors like Mary Mazza and Eligio Martinez launch into the dynamic Latin dance movements that burn calories and increase heart strength.

Yes, it’s Zumba.

The program, brought to Forest Park courtesy of the Springfield Department of Elder Affairs, began in January, and has proven to be a popular and growing draw, both among residents at the elderly/disabled Springfield Housing Authority development and the surrounding community.

The program is free and open to the public.

For Mazza and many others, it’s a regular chance to exercise and socialize.

Zumba Classes Energize Forest Park Manor“I love Zumba. It’s a great class that keeps you moving and fit,” said Mazza, who has lived at the SHA development the past 15 years. An avid walker and dancer, she began taking the Zumba classes as soon as they were offered.

“Peggy’s great,” she added. “She’s fun, and she keeps you going.”

Mazza referred to instructor Peggy Sheldon, who is director of fitness for the Department of Elder Affairs. She also has a private local business called ‘Zumba Fitness with Peggy’s Groove.’

On a recent Tuesday, Sheldon played electrifying tunes like ‘Fever’ and even ‘The Zumba Song,’ keeping her students stepping, jumping and gyrating across the Activity Center floor.

Sheldon said the class is meant to help keep residents in shape and interested in exercise as a fun activity.

“Zumba is a Latin aerobic exercise designed to have fun while you’re working out,” Sheldon said. “We like to keep the seniors engaged and healthy. It also engages them socially, which is a big plus.”

Zumba Classes Energize Forest Park ManorMartinez said he heard about the classes, and thought he’d give one a try. After the workout, he promised to return every week.

“It’s fun and relaxing,” said Martinez. “It makes me feel good and happy. I will definitely be back.”

Lorraine Shaw and Juliette Vo agreed.

“I’ll be here every Tuesday morning,” said Shaw, who walks every day. “I want to stay healthy. I believe in fitness and good health.”

Vo said Zumba gives her energy, and also offers a chance to meet and talk with residents of the development as well as the surrounding neighborhood.

“I enjoy the classes a lot. This keeps you healthy,” she said.

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