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Our Residents

Robinson Gardens Residents Form New Council

Robinson Gardens Residents Form New Council

Residents at Robinson Gardens Apartments have a tenants council, and promising plans to work on issues that will improve their quality of life at the Springfield Housing Authority development in the Pine Point neighborhood.

A group of involved and engaged residents met on April 9 in the Talk/Read/Succeed! program headquarters at 34 Robert Dyer Circle to vote on officers for the newly formed council. The group broke out into happy applause following the reading of the votes.

“We did it,” said newly elected President Francheska Reveron. “I’m so excited. We’re going to work together and get things done that will be for the good of all of us.”

Some ideas on the front burner include a community room, a playground, children’s activities and safety regulations, she said.

Robinson Gardens Residents Form New Council

Newly formed Robinson Gardens Tenants Council officers gather following their election. From left to right are Assistant Secretary Ann Marie Greene, Treasurer Delmaris Resto, Secretary Carla Santiago, President Franchecka Reveron, SHA Resident Services Coordinator Candra Cripps, and seated, Vice President Tanisha Harris.

Other officers elected were Vice President Tanisha Harris, Treasurer Delmaris Resto, Secretary Carla Santiago and Assistant Secretary Ann Marie Greene.

The elections were run by SHA Resident Service Coordinator Candra Cripps, who praised residents for their commitment to work together for the good of all.

“This is an historic moment, to have residents come together in this way. I’m so excited to be able to work with you,” she said.

T/R/S! outreach staffers Lynn Cimino and Ana Grajales were also present. Cimino said she is “very happy” with the newly formed council, which will have access to funding for initiatives supported by residents who participate.

Vice President Tanisha Harris told residents that she and her fellow officers will be working for the good of all.

“We’re all going to have ideas and input, and we’re going to do this together,” she said.

Reveron gave credit to the unity at Robinson Gardens to the T/R/S! program, a program funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to boost reading skills among young children, and to support families in that effort. That program, in its second year, has united two dozen area agencies, including the SHA, by offering services that parent have identified as important.

4479 days ago / Our Residents
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