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SHA Staff

SHA employees support annual giving pledges to United Way

SHA employees support annual giving pledges to United Way

Springfield Housing Authority employees kicked off the annual United Way of Pioneer Valley, with coffee and a friendly get-together at the Riverview Apartments Community Room on Division Street.

The noontime event drew a crowd of about 60 men and women committed to contributing to the agency that provides support for educational, financial, health and emergency services programs across the region.

Featured speakers included SHA Executive Director William H. Abrashkin, Springfield School Volunteers Program Manager Natasha Clark, United Way Manager of Workplace Giving Kimberly O’Connor and YWCA Executive Director Mary Reardon Johnson.

SHA Executive Director William H. Abrashkin at the United Way campaign kickoff rally.

SHA Executive Director William H. Abrashkin at the United Way campaign kickoff rally.

Abrashkin spoke of the importance of giving back, and SHA’s commitment to and tradition for helping people in need. Specifically, he gave high praise to one United Way program that SHA is also involved in, Talk/Read/Succeed!, a family approach to literacy that unites Sullivan and Robinson Gardens Apartments, Boland and Dorman Elementary Schools, and two dozen local agencies and groups.

“The program works,” Abrashkin said, pointing to the increased parent involvement in schools and at the development, and the rising reading scores, especially among those children who take part in the Hasbro Summer Learning Initiative.

“It’s not rocket science, it can be done, and United Way is a key component of our team,” he added.

Clark asked SHA employees to consider being a mentor – with paid time given weekly by the SHA – to a Springfield pupil.

“Spending an hour a week with a child can mean a big difference, for both the child and the volunteer,” Clark noted.

Johnson’s agency is a thankful recipient of United Way funding, and told the crowd in vivid terms what it means to be homeless suddenly due to violence in the home. The women and children helped by the YWCA have very few choices, and are typically in emergency mode when they land at the agency’s doorstep.

“Women who live with violence live in fear of losing their kids. They hope it will stop,” Reardon Johnson said. “We don’t have enough space for the shelter need. We turn away six for every one we accept.”

SHA employees turned out for the United Way kickoff rally at Riverview Apartments.

SHA employees turned out for the United Way kickoff rally at Riverview Apartments.

Finally, O’Connor said the United Way appreciates every donation, every pledge.

“Thank you to each and every one of you who has given to our annual campaign through payroll deductions. You make all the difference for a lot of people,” O’Connor said.

SHA Human Resources Manager Kathy Hardy said this year’s goal is $5,000. Employees have already begun to make their pledges, she noted.

Those who work for the housing authority are a giving group, all agreed. Donors like Deputy Executive Director Nicole Contois said she’s more than happy to make the annual pledge.

“It’s a great cause, and it’s so good for the community,” Contois said.

SHA Deputy Executive Director Nicole Contois gives to United Way because "it's the right thing to do."

SHA Deputy Executive Director Nicole Contois gives to United Way because “it’s the right thing to do.”

Employees Jesus Figueroa, Luis Velazquez and Keith Barlow agreed wholeheartedly.

“I always give,” said Figueroa, a Saab Court mechanic. “I like to give back to the community, to help others who may be having a hard time.”

Mechanics Jesus Figueroa and Luis Velazquez are long-time United Way givers.

Mechanics Jesus Figueroa and Luis Velazquez are long-time United Way givers.

Velazquez, a mechanic at Moxon Apartments, said, “It’s for the children, and anything that helps children is a good thing. I always open my heart to them.”

SHA mechanic Keith Barlow supports United Way because he believes in "what they stand for."

SHA mechanic Keith Barlow supports United Way because he believes in “what they stand for.”

Barlow, Saab Court mechanic, said, “I give to United Way because I believe in what they stand for. I appreciate what they do.”


3913 days ago / SHA Staff
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