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November, 2013

Anonymous giver treats a Robinson Gardens family to turkey dinner

Anonymous giver treats a Robinson Gardens family to turkey dinner

Springfield Housing Authority resident Latisa Gasque and her six children will enjoy a hearty...

Comments Off on Anonymous giver treats a Robinson Gardens family to turkey dinner / 3884 days ago
Turkeys make the day at four Springfield Housing Authority developments

Turkeys make the day at four Springfield Housing Authority developments

Twelve-year-old Shoeb Adan and his family are having turkey for Thanksgiving at Riverview...

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Please help Talk/Read/Succeed! with a donation to Valley Gives on 12.12.13

Please help Talk/Read/Succeed! with a donation to Valley Gives on 12.12.13

Donate to Valley Gives on 12.12.13 What you can do: 1)      Visit to Springfield Housing...

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After-school exercise program proving popular

After-school exercise program proving popular

Children at four Springfield Housing Authority developments are running, jumping and stretching...

Comments Off on After-school exercise program proving popular / 3906 days ago
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