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Our Residents

Popular nutrition classes to be offered in English at Robinson Gardens

Popular nutrition classes to be offered in English at Robinson Gardens

A program to promote good health among residents at Springfield Housing Authority’s Robinson Gardens Apartments will be offered in English, starting in July.

The five-week program ‘Choices and Steps Towards Heath,’ offered by the University of Massachusetts Extension Services, wrapped up in late June with a graduating class of participating residents who focused on shopping, cooking, diet and exercise during weekly visits.

It was the second series of nutrition classes offered to Robinson Gardens residents in Spanish, said Zenaida Burgos, SHA’s outreach coordinator for the Talk/Read/Succeed! literacy program. So popular is the nutrition program that SHA will offer it weekly, in English, from July 29-Sept. 5.

The group will meet at the family housing development at 34 Robinson Gardens from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. on the following dates: July 29, Aug. 5, 19 and 26, and on Sept. 5, when a graduation ceremony will be held with healthy food cooked and served, and certificates and gifts given.

University of Massachusetts nutrition educator Antonia Ramos and Springfield Housing Authority outreach coordinator Zenaida Ramos at a nutrition class at Robinson Gardens Apartments

University of Massachusetts nutrition educator Antonia Ramos and Springfield Housing Authority outreach coordinator Zenaida Ramos at a nutrition class at Robinson Gardens Apartments

Burgos said residents are drawn to the program because of the positive message, solid advice, grocery shopping and cooking exercises, exercise sessions and the focus on making healthy choices for families.

“This gives residents an opportunity to learn how to eat healthy and exercise – how to take care of themselves and their families,” Burgos said.

Started last year as an outreach to Spanish-speaking families, the program will be provided in English by popular request, she said.

At the recent graduation event, residents offered many positive thoughts, including:

Lydia Rivera said she learned tips on how to shop, cook and eat with a focus on health, including leaving frozen meats in the refrigerator while thawing. She said she was unaware that bacteria multiply rapidly in meats left at room temperature.


Cindy Pagan said she has a far better focus on fruits and vegetables after completing the class.

Noelia Cruz joined the sessions from her home at Marble Street Apartments, and said she learned the importance of exercise as well as diet. She is also shopping smarter after completing this course, reading nutrition labels and getting better deals.

Nutrition2Mariela Caraballo liked the focus on portion control, carbohydrates, and proteins. She also shared that she learned how to cook using healthier recipes.

Participants received certificates of completion and each got a shopping bag, a pedometer, a water bottle and a lunch bag. They loved the group and promised to continue to collaborate.

For information on the upcoming classes, call Burgos or Lynne Cimino at 413-785-1431.



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