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Our Residents

SHA welcomes retired Judge Herbert H. Hodos as hearing officer

SHA welcomes retired Judge Herbert H. Hodos as hearing officer

Herbert H. Hodos is on the job as Springfield Housing Authority’s new Public Housing Appeals Hearing Officer, and he’s liking the work already.

A retired judge from Greenfield District Court, Hodos began working the part-time job in early October, and heard his first case on Oct. 28. He expects the work will probably take a few days per month, depending on the caseload.

Hodos will hear from people whose eligibility for public housing has been denied, and then he will decide on those cases. He said his years on the bench – 15 years in all before he retired in 2008 – lend him the skills and experience needed for the job.

“I like this type of review and decision making,” said the Florence resident. “It’s good work.”

Hodos also spent four years on the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine, where he served as chair of its Complaint Committee, which involved similar work but with complaints against doctors.

Hodos has office space at 60 Congress St.



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