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It’s a date: Third Annual T/R/S! Golf Tournament on July 18

It’s a date: Third Annual T/R/S! Golf Tournament on July 18

Golf clubs, tee times and afternoons chasing little white balls around big grassy courses.

It’s that time again: Golf season.

Golfers, would-be golfers, and supporters, please mark your calendars for Springfield Housing Associates Inc.’s July 18 annual Isabel Serrazina Talk/Read/Succeed! tournament at the country Club of Wilbraham.

This is the fourth year Springfield Housing Authority has sponsored a T/R/S! golf tournament, and for the past three years, it’s been named in honor of the longtime SHA employee whose idea it was. Isabel Serrazina worked at SHA entire adult life here, being promoted to Purchasing Agent a year before she died in early 2014.

PrintSince the beginning, the tournament has grown every years, both in participation and in funds raised for T/R/S!, the early literacy program that unites nearly two dozen area agencies, organizations and city departments to deliver quality programming and services to entire families.

T/R/S! now connects families at SHA’s Sullivan Apartments and the nearby Boland Elementary School, and SHA’s Robinson Gardens Apartments with the nearby Dorman Elementary School. Participants hope the program can be expanded to more SHA developments and public schools.

SHA Executive Director William H. Abrashkin said the program provides needed support towards  the ultimate goal of financial independence for our residents. The golf tournament funds things like educational programs, field trips and literacy equipment such as books and drawing tools.

“It’s a program that has proven successful at every turn,” he said. “We know it works.”

All funds raised in the tournament go to help support the T/R/S! program.

To register for the tournament, contact Kathy Hardy at [email protected], or call at 413-785-4508.

Cost to play is $100 per single, or $400 per foursome. Tournament includes lunch, dinner and prizes.

Sponsorships are available.

Save the Date TRS Golf16

3018 days ago / Talk/Read/Succeed!
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