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Our Residents

Groups deliver toilet paper to SHA residents

Groups deliver toilet paper to SHA residents

Two groups committed to giving back to the community are spreading a much-needed commodity – toilet paper – to grateful Springfield Housing Authority residents.

The CREW, or Collectively Recognizing Empowerment Within, and Seven Brothers, both organizations dedicated to raising funds and materials for Springfield’s needy citizens, banded together to locate and buy 400 rolls of toilet paper. Bags of four rolls each were delivered to residents of SHA’s Robinson Gardens Apartments.

CREW President Wayman Lee said the group of long-time friends has been especially busy during this period of self-isolation, helping families and seniors especially, to get through what can be trying times.

Brett Jones of Seven Brothers delivers toilet paper to residents at Robinson Gardens Apartments.

“We just believe in giving back,” Lee said. “Our motto is, we do it because we care. We’ve been getting calls from various individuals saying senior citizens and families need some things they’re having a hard time finding. Toilet paper was one thing everybody was looking for, so we decided to do that first.”

Lee said the Crew is now working to buy and deliver protective masks and gloves to fill another need across the community.

Greg Brown of the Crew bags toilet paper for residents at Robinson Gardens Apartments.

Brett Jones of Seven Brothers said his group put in half, or 200 rolls, of those delivered at Robinson Gardens. It is one of several such deliveries going on across the city, where the strains of quarantining and isolating due to COVID-19 have been accompanied by shortages of some specific household items.

Most especially, that includes toilet paper.

“We wanted to help out in an area that will help people at this time,” Jones said. “We got together with the Crew and decided to do this together. We’re trying to get some help for people who really need the help.”

The Crew’s Greg Brown said he helped the group purchase the toilet paper through his business contacts as owner of Get Right Services.

Toilet paper donated by the Crew and Seven Brothers, ready for delivery at Robinson Gardens Apartments.

“I’m happy to use my connections to help others when they most need it,” said Brown. “We’re here for the community, and we want to give back to the community.”

SHA Executive Director Denise Jordan thanked both groups for their dedication and giving spirit during a time of isolation and need for so many.

“I want to thank the Crew and Seven Brothers for their generous donation to our residents in need,” Jordan said. “We have a number of seniors and large families who will benefit from this generous donation.”

SHA’s Youth Engagement Coordinator Jimmie Mitchell, who is also a member of the Crew, helped to facilitate the donation. He also expressed gratitude, saying similar donations will be made at other developments in the coming days and weeks.

Brett Jones of Seven Brothers, Greg Brown of the Crew, SHA Executive Director Denise Jordan and SHA Youth Outreach Coordinator Jimmie Mitchell.

Mitchell said the plan started with a telephone call he received recently from a member of the Robinson Gardens Youth Group, which he runs.

“He told me that they were out of toilet paper and needed some. I called the Crew, and they stepped up to the plate. Now we’re working with Seven Brothers to bring supplies here and to other places where they need it,” Mitchell said.

At Robinson Gardens, residents opened their doors and thanked the men who delivered the goods to them.

1546 days ago / Our Residents
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