Category : Our Elderly Residents
Lunch, a visit with the mayor, and Santa Claus
Saab Court residents took a recent trip to the Raymond A. Jordan Senior Center, where they were...
Holiday fun at Riverview Apartments
Riverview Apartments and holiday celebrations seem to be a perfect fit. The annual end-of-year...
Veteran reflects on her service during World War II
Seventy-two years have passed since Margery Durand joined the U.S. Army, and the memory is as clear...
Halloween fun at Saab Court
At Springfield Housing Authority’s Saab Court Apartments, some folks take Halloween very...
Forest Park Manor residents connect with young teens
Thursday is getting to be Nashaly Velez’ favorite day of the week. Ditto for Robert Zeno, and...
Computer literacy class inspires at Riverview Apartments
Santos Torres signed up for computer classes at Springfield Housing Authority’s Riverview...
Getting a groove on at Forest Park Manor
Elderly residents at Springfield Housing Authority’s Forest Park Manor are proving they can hit...