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SHA’s family-based literacy program expands to Indian Orchard

SHA’s family-based literacy program expands to Indian Orchard

The family-based literacy program that unites housing, schools and key services in the city is...

2614 days ago
The zoo comes to Sullivan Apartments

The zoo comes to Sullivan Apartments

A menagerie of animals, sporting coverings of fur, scales and feathers, paid a visit to Springfield...

2635 days ago
SHA teens hear about city schools from the source

SHA teens hear about city schools from the source

Springfield School Committee member Denise Hurst got a grilling recently from among her most...

2637 days ago
Tuskegee Airman recalls flying the skies

Tuskegee Airman recalls flying the skies

At 93, Charles Cross of Springfield has been around the block a few times. Make that many, many...

2644 days ago
City Councilor tells SHA youth to aim high in life

City Councilor tells SHA youth to aim high in life

For City Councilor Justin Hurst, nothing is more important in life than having your own voice, and...

2644 days ago
Life lessons from one who’s been around

Life lessons from one who’s been around

At age 60, Charles Craig Jr. has seen it all. Well, at least a lot. And luckily for the teens...

2682 days ago
Federal grant expands SHA’s resident services

Federal grant expands SHA’s resident services

A successful family-based early literacy program will expand to Duggan Park Apartments this year,...

2697 days ago
Teens feast on chicken wings and life lessons at Robinson Gardens Apartments

Teens feast on chicken wings and life lessons at Robinson Gardens Apartments

Chef Kelly Dobbins makes the best chili and chicken wings in the world, and teens at the Robinson...

2724 days ago
SHA offers free tax help for residents and the public

SHA offers free tax help for residents and the public

It’s tax time – but not to worry, help is available. Springfield Housing Authority...

2731 days ago
Holiday donations of food, toys, at Robinson Gardens Apartments

Holiday donations of food, toys, at Robinson Gardens Apartments

The generous giver who prefers to remain anonymous has struck again. This holiday season, he...

2766 days ago
Holiday fun at Riverview Apartments

Holiday fun at Riverview Apartments

Riverview Apartments and holiday celebrations seem to be a perfect fit. The annual end-of-year...

2774 days ago
Cooking and eating, the healthy way

Cooking and eating, the healthy way

Taisha Rodriguez learned aplenty at the five-week ‘Cooking Matters’ program at Springfield...

2811 days ago
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